
Ilayadasan Nagappan (1993 - 2012)
Rescued at 12 years old from a public hospital where the doctors did not give him more than two weeks of life, we followed Ilayadasan for 6 years. Suffering from kidneys failure, Ilayadasan could benefit from dyalisis twice a week. Ilayadasan was taught in SPEED Trust evening classes so, when he could attend exams at school, he always got the best results. Thanks to his will, his courage, his determination to live, Ilayadasan brought up SPEED Trust team more than we brought him up. Ilayadasan left us on December, 28th 2012, and in remembrance of Ilayadasan, this date will be henceforth SPEED Trust annual Day. Two days later, we learned that a kidney was available for transplantation.
Pierre Ceyrac, S.J. (1914 – 2012)
Landed in India from France in 1937 as a missionary, Brother Pierre Ceyrac would devote his life to the poorest.
Pierre Ceyrac was the first donor to SPEED Trust, in 1999, and will remain steadfast support, visiting our programs on the field many times.
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