
Inseparable from the family support program, the trainings enabled many women to start an income generating activity or to find a job.

The first project of SPEED Trust was the establishment in 1999 of a tailoring training. It was originally intended for young girls who were not attending school. Indeed, it was common at that time that adolescent girls would be withdrawn from school when they reached puberty, staying home waiting to get married.

Over the years SPEED Trust has trained dozen of girls, young women. At the end of the one-year-training, each students would get a diploma recognized by the Government and a sewing machine so that they can sew their clothes, do some work for the neighborhood, school uniforms, etc…

This project having fallen in disuse due to the progress of the educational program, it was replaced in 2009 by a production workshop that employs several of these former students. Check out Handicraft

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